25 Things To Know Before Moving to Melbourne
18th October 2019

25 Things To Know Before Moving to Melbourne

Not the gold coast but something better.

Melbourne has consistently ranked as the most liveable city for several years running, recently having its crown removed by Vienna; pushing Melbourne to second place.

Moving to Melbourne, you’ll hear the word ‘Victorian’ a lot. This is not about Victorian England but to those living in the state of Victoria; such as Melbourne.

While Australians speak English and were previously a British colony; they have developed their own culture and history in many ways.

So if you’re moving to Melbourne; here are 25 things you should know about the most liveable city in the world before moving there:

A jumping kangoroo at sunset in Australia

Spectacular Weather

Australia is renowned for having some of the craziest weather in the world. Melbourne’s location in Australia, alongside its high land temperatures, captures both hot and cold airstreams.

This can lead to snowy days in the middle of summer and hot days in the middle of winter. The weather can change in a split second over here so make sure you’re prepared for everything.

Melbourne still boasts 2200 hours of sunshine annually and is also that little bit cooler than other Australian cities, making it more bearable for the British.

Moving to Melbourne means you’ll be treated with an average temperature of 25oC in the Summer and 10oC in the winter; which is better than Britain on many accounts.

Public Transport

Melbourne hosts a Free Tram Zone which circulates within its Central Business District (CBD), as well as venturing around the Victoria Market.

Tram’s are free but infrequent. Ensure you check the timetable before grabbing one to work. They show up every thirty minutes, however they can be delayed by traffic due to lack of priority on the roads.

When travelling on any other public transport, be sure to invest in a Myki Card; the Melbourne version of an Oyster card.

Parking Inspectors From Hell

You may be used to this if you live in London, but parking inspectors in Melbourne are ruthless.

Always look at the signs to see if you can park there. Otherwise, you could see your car being towed; as well as being slapped with a hefty fine upwards of A$100.

Only park in areas that you know are safe; risk it and you may lose it.

Renting A Place?

Moving from London? You’re in for a treat.

If you live in the city, it will cost you roughly A$400 a week (£215); the further out you go the cheaper it is.

The average rent price in Central London is £994 a week; so there are many savings to be had here.

Grass and sandy beach on sunny day of Gold Coast Queensland

Golden Beaches

Need it even be said?

Australia is home to world-class beaches, perfect for a lazy afternoon lying on a heated bed of sand.

You’ll be reminded of home when you’re out there, with Brighton Beach being the most favoured in Melbourne.

Charming little beach huts lining the coast; decent waves for surfers; families en-masse, all a short walk away from restaurants and cafés ready to serve you a much-needed lunch.

Where To Live…

With so many different suburbs, there is somewhere for everyone here in Melbourne.

Carlton/Fitzroy are most appealing to the young professionals; whereas Coburg North is a more family-oriented area.

With many to choose from, you must do your research.

Air Conditioning Is A Must

Just a small point here.

If you’re renting somewhere, make sure it has air-con. While the average temperature is 25oC in Summer, the unpredictability can lead to a humid 35oC and above, which in turn leads to sleepless nights.

So, when you move to Melbourne, make sure wherever you end up has air conditioning.

Job Prospects

The job market here in Melbourne is rich and vast.

From construction and engineering to sport and nurses; there is something for everyone here. Alongside the millions of jobs vacancies every year; the Australian Government also predict an increase of 886,000 more jobs by 2023.

Before you arrive, it’s recommended to start looking for jobs and get in touch with potential employers; if you haven’t secured a position already.

Driving into the Sunset. Romantic Young Couple Enjoying Sunset Drive in Classic Vintage Sports Car

Cars Are Not Cheap

Imported goods in Australia tend to be quite high.

This goes for food, alcohol and cars as well.

You may find that a car which costs £15,000 in the UK will cost £20,000 equivalent in Australia. If you’re moving to Melbourne for work, try and negotiate for a business car to be in your contract.

Looking For Bar Work?

If you’re moving to Melbourne in search of bar work, you’ll need to obtain a Responsible Service of Alcohol Certification.

Whether you’re a manager or simply serving the drinks behind the bar, this certification is a necessity for anyone working with alcohol.

Australian Local Language for Common British Terms

Learn The Lingo

Like moving anywhere new, learning the local language is always helpful.

You’re right in saying Australia doesn’t have its own language, but they do have a lingo.

The Australian way majoritively involves shortening words, have a look at the above picture for some common phrases.

Heavenly Coffee

The legends you’ve heard aren’t just legends.

Coffee in Australia is world-class. Some say Melbourne baristas are the most accomplished and inventive on Earth.

You’ll find great cafés at every corner of Melbourne, with a diverse range of coffees available, as well as plenty of milk options for the adventurous bunch.

Free Wi-Fi is Becoming More Common

Australia is a little behind on the ‘Free Wi-Fi’ front.

However, new initiatives have seen Wi-Fi become more widely available. Public Wi-Fi is now available outside in certain areas of Melbourne, limited to 1GB of data per device per day.

So, while it’s still not overly common to find free Wi-Fi everywhere, it is something the government are continually improving.

The Best Schools In Australia

Schools in Melbourne provide the best education from primary school to university level.

The diversity in Melbourne creates a diverse range of schools, so with a little research, you will be able to find the perfect place for your children to attend.

Some of the top schools include Presbyterian Ladies’ College and Doncaster Gardens Primary School.

Football Stadium at Night with Floodlights Pointing Upwards

Sports Everywhere

Melbourne is considered the capital of many things in Australia, including sports.

Fan of Formula 1? The Australian Grand Prix takes place in Melbourne around the beautiful setting of Albert Park.

Moving to Melbourne, you’ll notice the array of sporting facilities dotted around the city. It’s likely your favourite sport will be played somewhere nearby.

Rich Culture

Diversity doesn’t only bring understanding; it also brings culture.

Melbourne is appropriately named the culture capital of Australia. Take a stroll down Hosier Lane or Caledonian Lane.

There are an infinite number of secret graffiti spots that you’ll typically discover through the act of aimlessly wandering.

When you move to Melbourne, you’ll have ample time to explore and unearth these astounding works of art.

New Holiday Destinations

Moving to the other side of the world means you have a whole new array of holiday destinations to choose from.

A popular holiday destination for Australian’s tends to be Bali and other locations within Indonesia.

This being said, there are plenty of destinations to visit in this new country you now call home. Why not pop over to Sydney; travel to the capital city Canberra; or even visit the gold coast for a couple of weeks.

The opportunities are endless!

Stunning Architecture

Where old meets new. Here in Melbourne, you’ll see remnants of Australia’s colonial past.

Flinder’s Street Station is the most well-known building in Melbourne; whether that be due to its beautiful architecture or its practicality for commuters is up to you to decide.

Other places include the public Victoria State Library and Melbourne Central, where old and new meld together perfectly.

Queen Victoria Market in Australia On A Bbusy Day.

Queen Victoria Market

If you’re moving to Melbourne, you MUST visit this market.

Opened in 1878, this surreal market has served the inhabitants of Melbourne for over 140 years. Queen Victoria Market is open five days a week, with a night market open Wednesday night, a favourite for many as a mid-week hangout.

Pop over to ‘Vic Market’ and peruse through over 600 small businesses that have set up shop.

Festivals All Year

Melbourne is fantastic for many reasons. One of these is the year-round festivals and events that take place.

There are over 30 music festivals throughout the year within 2 hours of Melbourne. There are plenty of festivals for children, as well as arts festivals and more.

Moving to Melbourne means the word ‘bored’ is rarely spoken.

Fashion Central

Yet another thing going for Melbourne is its fashion industry.

With top fashion designers bowing down to Melbourne’s unique essence, there is nowhere better in Australia for fashion lovers.

Melbourne’s roots are deeply entrenched in culture. The city offers a plethora of historical and cultural hubs; leading to a type of beauty and fashion found only in Melbourne.

Hidden Bars Galore

The late-night culture here is booming.

The multitude of bars in Melbourne are present to cater to every resident, from students to night-shift workers.

One thing Melbourne does better than anyone else? Hidden bars. Down cramped alleyways; doorways in cupboards; a secret bookshelf, you name it. They are everywhere.

Make some friends and head out into the thriving nightlife and begin your search and find your favourite hidden bar.

New Zealand Vineyard Wairua Valley

Vineyards All Over

A short drive from Melbourne’s CBD, you’ll start driving through the green country with vineyards dotting the landscape left and right.

If you’re a wine lover, then why not taste some of the local produce?

Yarra Valley is the primary vineyard near Melbourne, with Chardonnay, Shiraz and Pinot Noir being the main varieties of grape here.

Whether you’re a white or red wine fanatic or just a wine fanatic; hit the road and visit some fantastic vineyards. Why not treat yourself to a wine-tasting session while you’re there?

Picture-Perfect Coastlines

On your way to Yarra Valley, you’ll be driving alongside the stunning coastline surrounding Melbourne.

The sheer drops of these cliffs are accompanied by golden sandy beaches below. If you manage to find an accessible beach, why not stop for a quick surf and baptise yourself as one of the locals.

Whether walking, surfing, hiking or driving; Melbourne’s coastline is sure to leave a lasting memory.

More Free Time

Fed up of those puny eight bank holidays you receive in the UK?

Moving to Melbourne, you’ll suddenly see an extra five public holidays appear out of nowhere!

One of which, is for the Australian Football League (AFL) Grand Final; something unheard of in England.

You can be sure you’re days will be better spent here in Melbourne. With more free time; a higher minimum wage and a better quality of life.

It’s time you make the move.

Need Some Help Moving?

Hopefully, you’ve decided that Melbourne is the place for you.

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