Is Friday The Best Day Of The Week To Move House?
12th July 2019

Is Friday The Best Day Of The Week To Move House?

Friday is the most popular day of the week to move house with 30% of all UK moves taking place on this day. Saturday came in a distant second, with only 18% of users opting to move house then, and Sunday worse still, with the lowest number of moves taking place (just 5%) on that day.

But is Friday the best day to move house? We’ve taken an in-depth look at the reasons why Friday continues to prove an immensely popular day to move and compared it with the pros and cons of the other days of the week to help you figure out what will work best for you.

Should you move house on Friday?

Moving home is often listed as one of life’s big stresses, with some research even suggesting it to be more stressful than divorce or starting a new job.

With the weekend around the corner, its not hard too see why so many people opt to move on Friday. The weekend offers the opportunity to unpack and unwind. This allows you to take stock of things and tie up any loose ends, not to mention enjoy your new surroundings.

Moving house on Friday also causes minimum disruption to your working life. Only having to book off one day of work means you can set aside their annual leave for things you’d rather be doing, such as going on holiday.

What’s wrong with Fridays?

While Friday is great for acclimatising to your new home and getting settled in, it can actually prove disadvantageous should something go amiss.

If you should encounter any problems with your chain or banking, for example, this can be hard to rectify. And while banks closing early on Friday is now a relic of the past, it is remains a requirement for all payments to go through by 3pm at the latest to ensure completion.

If your funds don’t clear on time, you may find yourself having to wait till Monday which can leave you stranded if you have not already made prior arrangements with your removals company. Similar issues can also arise relating to conveyancing solicitors and urgent utility maintenance.

Another potential problem with Fridays is that its immense popularity means it is often difficult to secure a date and slot. Particularly in the busy summer months when removals companies are often booked up in months in advance.

Searching for alternatives

Manic Monday

Monday is a popular day for moving house for the reverse reason — it allows you to take stock of things on the weekend just gone. Many argue that the real reason behind the stress of moving is the fear of having forgotten something.

Moving house on a Monday has the advantage of allowing you additional time over the weekend to box up and label your belongings and avoid any last-minute rush.

Mid-week moves

Mid-week moves have traditionally been the least popular, particularly Tuesday, owing to the disruption they cause to your working week.

However, moving house between Tuesday and Thursday, when you’re less busy could work to your advantage. For one, removals companies are often less busy meaning they are likely to have more time and resource for you.

It also comes with the added assurance that if something goes amiss — such as disruptions to your chain — you’ve got the rest of the week to fix it. If you complete on a Thursday for instance, this allows you the whole of Friday to get acquainted with your new home.

Not only are the roads likely to be quieter, meaning less chance of disruptions, but moving to a new house mid-week could also save you a penny or two. With less bookings, removals companies are more likely to price their services competitively to entice customers.

Cheapest day

Which leads us to our last alternative — Sunday.  Traditionally thought to be the most inconvenient day to move, owing to its close proximity to the approaching week, Sunday holds a certain advantage for those flexible with work or able to book off a Monday.

That is, it is the cheapest day. Not all removals companies are able to carry out moves on this day and many people are reluctant to, but if you can it could represent some serious savings.

Choosing a removals company

Ultimately what works for you will depend on your own individual circumstances. Whatever day you choose however it pays to have a flexible removals company that can adapt to your situation.

With GoodMove you can rest assured that you are getting all the experience of a dedicated team with over 35 years’ experience in the removals industry. GoodMove are on hand to advise you throughout and can even offer storage to give you that added flexibility should you require it.

Call GoodMove today for a free quote or to enquire further about any of its services.

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