Is It Time To Move House? 9 Questions To Ask Yourself
1st November 2019

Is It Time To Move House? 9 Questions To Ask Yourself

It’s challenging to know when it’s time to move.

You’re often content with what you have, and although you may have some issues with the house, wear and tear here and there, you may think you’re happy where you are.

It is hard to know what you want sometimes; many struggle to figure out what they’re going to have for dinner in two hours! On top of all that, moving your home is not a small feat and should not be taken lightly.

To help you confirm that you want to move, here are 9 Questions to ask yourself to find out if it’s time for you to relocate to your new home:

Serious businessman with headphones travelling to work. Standing inside underground wagon, holding handhandle.

Is The Commute Getting Too Much?

Many people choose their home far away from their place of work. This can be due to many reasons. However, the common cause is if you’ve just got a new job and don’t feel the need to move.

When you notice that you’re losing hours every day commuting to and from your job; then it’s understandable you’d want to move closer to your place of work.

Relocating closer to your job is a widespread reason for packing up and moving elsewhere.

Was This Your Forever Home?

You’ve lived at your house for a few years now, but it was always just a temporary home.

It’s time to upgrade to the home you’ve always had your eye on in your favourite neighbourhood. If you’ve saved up the right amount of money, then this is the move to make.

It’s clear when it’s time to move when you find yourself wanting more than what you’re current home can offer.

Do You Want To Be Closer To Family?

As time goes on, your life will slowly revolve around the family more and more. You may find you need help looking after your children; or that your parents need your help more often than they once did.

Moving home for these reasons can be stressful, but it is often just a part of life. Whatever the reason, moving for family is never the wrong choice.

Couple smiling at the camera at home in living room

Are you in a Serious Relationship?

Often, the best signs that it’s time to move is when you’re in a serious relationship.

With two of you, you’ll be able to afford a mortgage on a very decent property, one that is equipped for the future, should you decide to start a family down the line.

This is a popular reason, and hopefully, the new home will best suit the needs of both of you and provide you with more space to grow and start your new lives together.

Has The Neighbourhood Gone Downhill?

Over time you may have realised that the neighbourhood isn’t what you thought it was. You’ve slowly noticed the downhill turn your area has taken in recent years and you realise it’s starting to get more dangerous/polluted/ antisocial.

It could be for plenty of reasons. To sum it up, you don’t feel in sync with the local area anymore and you want to live elsewhere. Somewhere with better neighbours; better safety for your children and more green spaces for outdoor activities.

There can be a multitude of reasons why you’d want to move, but this one, in particular, is one that slowly grows over time. So, if you have this feeling, then it’s time to move.

Do You Need More Space?

You’ve lived in the same house for so many years now, that there is no room for your new things. You’re not a hoarder, these are essential items, and simply having them is leaving you no space to breath.

This is probably in the top 3 reasons to move to a new house.

Having a baby? You need more space. Do your kids need their own rooms? It’s time to move. Need more space for your hoarded items? Time to find a new home.

Are You Spending A Lot Of Your Time Looking At Homes For Sale?

We all do it, but if you find this to be a common occurrence, then your subconscious is trying to tell you something (unless you work as a Real Estate Agent).

If you search long enough, you may just find the perfect property.

When this happens, you’ll realise it’s time to move on from your current home and look towards the future.

Quayside apartments beside the River Colne in Wivenhoe,Essex,UK

Do You Want A New Project?

You’ve done your home up to a point it can’t be improved anymore, or you’re bored with improving it.

You want a new project, something that you can really get your claws into and set your mind to work.

This is a tell-tale sign that you’ve outgrown your home. Your home should be a place of comfort, creativity and enjoyment. If you haven’t got all three, then maybe it’s time to look for somewhere new.

Thinking It’s Time To Move?

After asking yourself the above questions, has it become apparent to yourself that you wish to move?

GoodMove are here to help. We have over 35 years’ experience handling removals throughout the UK and internationally.

Our customer-driven approach to removals has earned us critical acclaim. We believe our written testimonials, which can be found on Reference Line, are our testament to the service we deliver.

We also offer flexible self-storage options to our customers either as part of a tailor-made removals package or as a standalone service.

To find our how GoodMove’s removals service can work for you don’t hesitate to contact us on the number listed above or use the quick quote form.



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